Thing > Annotation > Region > Interval > TimeFrame > Chapter

Definition Example case for when we do not want to use Segment with a specific segmentType or if we want to introduce special properties.


Metadata from Region

Property Type Description
timeUnit String Specifies which unit of time the measurement is based. Can be *seconds* or *milliseconds*, or in case of annotations on a VideoDocument, *frames*.

Metadata from Annotation

Property Type Description
document ID The identifier of the document that the annotation is over. This has to be defined either at the metadata level, in which case it has scope over all annotations of the same type in a view, or at the instance level, in which it has scope over just the single annotation.


Property Type Description
title String Title of the chapter

Properties from TimeFrame

Property Type Description
frameType String The type of TimeFrame. Could be bars-and-tones, speech, noise, music, other.

Properties from Interval

Property Type Description
start Integer The starting offset in the primary data. This point is inclusive. For time intervals, the unit is determined by the *timeUnit* metadata key. For text intervals, the unit is Unicode code point.
end Integer The ending offset in the primary data. This point is exclusive. For time intervals, the unit is determined by the *timeUnit* metadata key. For text intervals, the unit is Unicode code point.
targets List of IDs IDs of a sequence of annotations covering the region of primary data referred to by this annotation. Used as an alternative to *start* and *end* to point to component annotations (for example a token sequence) rather than directly into primary data, or to link two or more annotations (for example in a coreference annotation).

Properties from Annotation

Property Type Description
document ID The identifier of the document that the annotation is over.

Properties from Thing

Property Type Description
id ID A unique identifier for the annotation or document. Uniqueness is relative to the view the annotation is in or the list of documents at the top level of a MMIF file. [Required]